bringing you both sweet and savory for your kitchenCalifornia-based Balsamic Vinegar producer, Distinctive Tastes, was built on the finest quality balsamic vinegars and extra virgin olive oils found in the western United States. Founded by the Bartolomei Family of Ukiah, CA., they began crafting flavor infusions to complement any dish and palate.
Today, they have become the go-to brand for balsamic vinegars and extra virgin olive oils. The Distinctive Taste mixtures have far surpassed the expectations of our customers as we continue to strictly regulate the quality standards of our ingredients.
Distinctive Tastes travels to festivals, farmers markets and specialty food fairs throughout the Western United States. We ship our products all across the nation and into Mexico. So wherever you are, you can either come pay us a visit at one of the events we attend or get a hold of us either by phone, email or order online here.
Owner/CEO Denise Bartolomei